From Chairman’s Desk

New World awaits Challenge Takers:

Illumination and darkness comes in sequence in life. Life requires both of these at varying degrees to experience the essence and the spirit of living in the best possible manner. World brings in elements of happiness and melancholy in the same sequence without allowing either to perish the other. The mind which can thrive squarely in both the situations and still proceed forward to create emerging avenues for the individual and for the world as well, is transcendent in nature and capacity.

The current spell of unhappiness and health hazards throughout the world has brought in lot of unpleasant situations and experiences by people. It has, however, opened up plethora of new opportunities for lives to create a pleasant heaven, a domain of aspirational destiny for the challenging and deserving minds.

We are now at the most opportune moment in the world to re-engineer our minds for accepting the newer challenges and creating a holistic hope for expanding and spreading forward the elements of illumination through winning in the journey of life and professions.

EIILM-Kolkata energizes the race forward for the challenge takers and the prospective winners.

Chairman & Director